Spring 2025 Grants are Open!
The PTSA has started the grant application process for the spring of 2025!
Similar to the way we did it in the spring, we have moved to a digital application. Please edit the word document provided and send the application as a completed word document, not pdf. The deadline for application is March 21, 2025. We encourage you to present your grant to the committee in person on April 1st, 2025, starting at 4:00pm.
I welcome any questions or concerns, the fastest way to get ahold of me is danagribble@gmail.com though you can also email grants@bellevuehighptsa.com.
Past Years Grants:
Bellevue High School PTSA Grants Committee Grants Criteria
The purpose of the Bellevue High School PTSA Enrichment Grant Fund is to support programs and activities that enrich all aspects of the Bellevue High School experience. Enrichment grants are made in four areas: Academics, Activities, Administration and Athletics.
The following criteria are used to evaluate every grant request.
- Number of students benefiting from the grant.
- Duration of time students are served.
- Demonstrated need for the project/materials.
- Availability of other funding sources.
- Approval from department head or team coach.
- Athletic wear will be considered based on the uniform rotation determined by Athletic Director.
- Grant requests are generally limited to $4,000.
Items generally not funded include:
- Athletic wear that goes with an individual.
- Direct school employee compensation (including substitute teachers).
- Ongoing programs requiring yearly funding.
- Transportation other than for field trips.
- Basic classroom needs that are typically provided by the school district.
- Line items on the PTSA budget.
- Grant requests for items or events already ordered, purchased or scheduled.
To find out more information contact Grants chair, Dana Gribble danagribble@gmail.com